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  1. Aezrin

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    These issues is also being looked at currently, so keep an eye out for updates. :) As for the "player sprite hangs off the edge". Yeah that is a bit off an issue with 2D. It can be solved currently by either having a bigger collision for the player sprite, or by having empty space on the...
  2. Aezrin

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    Until the Prevent Falling bug has been fixed (assuming it will of course) you could make a new layer at the Height 2 and put the layer Opacity to 0, place structure tiles around the cliff so you will collide with those walls and not fall off.
  3. Aezrin

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    Prevent Falling can be found in Database - Maps - Configurations. If you have that checked, that could be the cause, since I think it is bugged at the moment. If not, I can't say without looking at the project itself I'm afraid.
  4. Aezrin

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    Seems to work fine for me I'm afraid. Any chance you have Prevent Falling Checked?
  5. Aezrin

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    That is pretty much it, for point 3 it might not be necessary to have the ladders be on a 0.01 layer. Also, you can use 1 Height Structure, so only 1 ramp is needed. Using the Height modifier 1 on a Structure will render it at 1 Height instead of 2. And as for not moving off the structure...
  6. Aezrin

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    Yeah, I noticed some inconsistencies with the Structure tiles overall, made a bug report about it just now. First just checking, is it that you can't move up the structure, or that you can't move up the ramps at all? (Assuming the first, should be a bug that came with the recent updates to Tile...
  7. Aezrin

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    Seems that you can't reach a structure tile using Tile Based Movement that is set to 1 Unit Height from a ramp, if the Structure is at the default 2 Height, and you use 2 ramps to reach it, it seems to work.
  8. Aezrin

    Aezrin here.

    'Ello, can't say there is much of note. Spent most my time playing mmos such as WoW and various single player games. Can't say I've had any experience in art, coding, sound and such. Just liked playing games and listen to music. Did mess around briefly with a with a Totally-Legit copy of RPGM...
  9. Aezrin

    Aezrin's Gamejam Submissions.

    Thanks! Plans are to incorporate what I've currently got, and add some progression to it. Goal is to have all the standard elements of an rpg, and work from there. :)
  10. Aezrin

    Aezrin's Gamejam Submissions.

    Links to my previous gamejam submissions. Should anyone be interested.