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  1. Canned_Dinosaur

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    Thanks, confirmed that "prevent falling" with pixel-based movement is also accurate now!
  2. Canned_Dinosaur

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    Just checked it off and that indeed made the climb up possible again, so you were spot on! ... but... it also causes the player to be able to "fall" of the cliff (which in 2D simply looks like the cliff edge is one-way passable.
  3. Canned_Dinosaur

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    Thanks! Then it’s somewhere in my settings… weird though that it did work that one time…
  4. Canned_Dinosaur

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    Actually, it got wonky again. Could you try my steps exactly, including the dimensions as shown in the screenshots, and confirm it works? Upon trying to recreate, I can't climb up anymore, but in 3D it cleanly shows a nice ramp...
  5. Canned_Dinosaur

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    So in 3D mode you can see that neither the ramps nor the height tile seem to be doing anything. Any thoughts? Oh, this is pixel movement BTW. EDIT: got it now, I had placed the ramps on a layer one higher than those of the ladder tiles DOH! @Kaiwa So this is a working recipe I think. place...
  6. Canned_Dinosaur

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    Hmmm... Could you show me like a template map that works, because I have no luck with the below setup. The first ramp should get the player to height 1, and the second ramp resting on height 1 should get the player to 2, yet still not possible to get up on the structure set to height of 2. Note...
  7. Canned_Dinosaur

    Let's create a Message Box!

    Thanks! Had intended on having a Let's 2D-map by now, but Golden Week and family obligations and RPG Maker, plus myself having doubts as to what works best for RM converts (especially whether structure tiles are best not used at all), got in the way ~.
  8. Canned_Dinosaur

    Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?

    A little while ago I could do this with ramps (the structure tiles will be at a height of 2 by default), but now I can't make the ramps do anything in 2D mode... Will have to test and confirm again.
  9. Canned_Dinosaur

    Let's create an Event errr... Entity!

    This one is geared more towards the poor souls coming from RPG maker (RM hereinafter) and feeling the pain that things seem so similar and yet are so different. This entry will be updated as much as possible to reflect the latest RPGA version. Entities are the equivalent of RM's events. As RPGA...
  10. Canned_Dinosaur

    Let's create a Dialogue!

    I think the text isn't clear as to what I mean. What I'm trying to say here is that with this particular UI sprite (Monster and Robot - Generic\ComponentBoxes-Full.png) the border of the sprite does not equal the border of the graphic. RPGA calculates based on the red line, which is 10 pixels...
  11. Canned_Dinosaur

    Let's create a Dialogue!

    After happily creating your first message box and starting to create a world with lively NPCs talking about all kinds of things, you may want to be able to talk back to the NPC. So you open the entity, right-click and choose Message >>> Display Dialogue Option aaaannnnd... "Oh, I need a template...
  12. Canned_Dinosaur

    Let's create a Message Box!

    Out of the box, there is no "standard" message box in RPG Architect. Like most things, you will have to use a template, copy it from an existing (e.g. sample) project, or create one from scratch. This post describes how to create your own message box from scratch. 1. Like just about...