Any way to recreate traversing on structure tiles?


I'm trying to recreate the effect of using stairs to traverse onto the top of cliffs (which are in the structures tile category) similar to how you can in RPGMMZ in the video below

(Here's me attempting the same in RPGA)

I want to make it so stairs can enter the top of the cliff and be able to move around freely while not being able to walk off the edge or walk up the cliffside. I've been messing around with layers and collisions trying to get the desired result, but I can't figure it out. Is it possible to achieve this?
A little while ago I could do this with ramps (the structure tiles will be at a height of 2 by default), but now I can't make the ramps do anything in 2D mode... Will have to test and confirm again.
Seems that you can't reach a structure tile using Tile Based Movement that is set to 1 Unit Height from a ramp, if the Structure is at the default 2 Height, and you use 2 ramps to reach it, it seems to work.
Hmmm... Could you show me like a template map that works, because I have no luck with the below setup. The first ramp should get the player to height 1, and the second ramp resting on height 1 should get the player to 2, yet still not possible to get up on the structure set to height of 2.

Note that under the ladder is just sand tiles.

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Yeah, I noticed some inconsistencies with the Structure tiles overall, made a bug report about it just now. First just checking, is it that you can't move up the structure, or that you can't move up the ramps at all? (Assuming the first, should be a bug that came with the recent updates to Tile Movement, using Pixel it should work as normal.)

One good thing to try when doing Ramps is to switch to 3D, just to see how it actually looks, in case there is something else blocking the player, not saying it is the case here.
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So in 3D mode you can see that neither the ramps nor the height tile seem to be doing anything. Any thoughts? Oh, this is pixel movement BTW.


EDIT: got it now, I had placed the ramps on a layer one higher than those of the ladder tiles DOH!

@Kaiwa So this is a working recipe I think.

  1. place the structure tiles as you normally would
  2. hollow out the place where you want to place a ladder, or stairs (or prepare a non-structure autotile of the wall)
  3. go to a layer that is, say, 0.01 higher (add layer or modify existing as needed)
  4. place ladder tiles or stair tiles on this upper layer, make sure tiles are passable
  5. place two ramps on the ladder/stairs as shown above
  6. designate the tile with the second ramp as height of 1 using the height modifier tiles

    Might be good to have a How-to for this for the poor RM converts...
EDIT2: so upon trying to recreate this things got wonky again... I think the best advise is DON'T USE STRUCTURE TILES IN 2D...
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That is pretty much it, for point 3 it might not be necessary to have the ladders be on a 0.01 layer.

Also, you can use 1 Height Structure, so only 1 ramp is needed. Using the Height modifier 1 on a Structure will render it at 1 Height instead of 2.

And as for not moving off the structure tiles, there is a "Prevent Falling" checkbox in Database - Map Configuration. However that one seems bugged at the moment.

You can otherwise make a new Layer at a higher Height, so if the Structure is at 2 Height, make the new Layer at 2, or 2,5. reduce the opacity on that Layer to 0, and place a structure tile there acting as collision.
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That is pretty much it, for point 3 it might not be necessary to have the ladders be on a 0.01 layer.

Also, you can use 1 Height Structure, so only 1 ramp is needed. Using the Height modifier 1 on a Structure will render it at 1 Height instead of 2.
Actually, it got wonky again. Could you try my steps exactly, including the dimensions as shown in the screenshots, and confirm it works? Upon trying to recreate, I can't climb up anymore, but in 3D it cleanly shows a nice ramp...
Actually, it got wonky again. Could you try my steps exactly, including the dimensions as shown in the screenshots, and confirm it works? Upon trying to recreate, I can't climb up anymore, but in 3D it cleanly shows a nice ramp...
Seems to work fine for me I'm afraid. Any chance you have Prevent Falling Checked?
Thanks! Then it’s somewhere in my settings… weird though that it did work that one time…
Prevent Falling can be found in Database - Maps - Configurations.

If you have that checked, that could be the cause, since I think it is bugged at the moment.
If not, I can't say without looking at the project itself I'm afraid.
Prevent Falling can be found in Database - Maps - Configurations.

If you have that checked, that could be the cause, since I think it is bugged at the moment.
If not, I can't say without looking at the project itself I'm afraid.
Just checked it off and that indeed made the climb up possible again, so you were spot on!

... but... it also causes the player to be able to "fall" of the cliff (which in 2D simply looks like the cliff edge is one-way passable.
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Until the Prevent Falling bug has been fixed (assuming it will of course) you could make a new layer at the Height 2 and put the layer Opacity to 0, place structure tiles around the cliff so you will collide with those walls and not fall off.
Just wanna say thanks to you both! I followed the steps and was able to make the ramp work. I had to untick "Prevent Falling" like Aezrin said, and it worked for being able to go up. Though, the player is able to "fall" off the cliff now, but that's fixed by just putting some colliders on the edge and making sure they're at the same height as the player when they're on the cliff. It feels a bit scuffed, especially since the player sprite kind of hangs off the edge a bit even with the colliders, but I'll take it.

I keep forgetting that RPGA is 3D engine, so I need to approach things from a 3D angle even if I'm making a 2D game haha.
Just wanna say thanks to you both! I followed the steps and was able to make the ramp work. I had to untick "Prevent Falling" like Aezrin said, and it worked for being able to go up. Though, the player is able to "fall" off the cliff now, but that's fixed by just putting some colliders on the edge and making sure they're at the same height as the player when they're on the cliff. It feels a bit scuffed, especially since the player sprite kind of hangs off the edge a bit even with the colliders, but I'll take it.

I keep forgetting that RPGA is 3D engine, so I need to approach things from a 3D angle even if I'm making a 2D game haha.
These issues is also being looked at currently, so keep an eye out for updates. :)

As for the "player sprite hangs off the edge". Yeah that is a bit off an issue with 2D. It can be solved currently by either having a bigger collision for the player sprite, or by having empty space on the spritesheet, say a few empty pixel under the characters feet.
Not ideal, but also don't know when or if at all it is something that can be fixed. Or of course by using Tile Based Movement.
These issues is also being looked at currently, so keep an eye out for updates. :)

As for the "player sprite hangs off the edge". Yeah that is a bit off an issue with 2D. It can be solved currently by either having a bigger collision for the player sprite, or by having empty space on the spritesheet, say a few empty pixel under the characters feet.
Not ideal, but also don't know when or if at all it is something that can be fixed. Or of course by using Tile Based Movement.
Just tinkered with the player collision and it made it look way better. Thanks for all of your help!
As one more note -- the (likely final) changes for tile movement are now in. If there are any issues, feel free to post in support or in the #support group inside of Discord!